“If I saw what she saw, would I feel what she felt?” This is what the Grinch mused to himself after watching Cindy Lou Who’s happiness and demeanor.

While this movie started off slow and has already been told, it ended with inspiration for those willing to find it.

I found it to be a clear parallel to Jesus forgiving us and acting as if nothing bad we did had ever happened. It was a great story of forgiveness. After the Grinch perpetrated to steal Christmas (and had almost succeeded) he had a change of heart (quite literally) and decided to return all the gifts he had stolen. The Who’s instantly forgave him and sweet little Cindy Lou later went to his home and personally invited him to dinner at her own home.

He wrestled with actually attending, and, once he arrived, could hardly bring himself to ring the doorbell. Yet, he stepped out into an uncomfortable place and did not let fear win. He chose to show up and the outcome was so perfect.

He chose not to stay in the same bad place he had always been. He chose to step out and overcome. He was changed in an instant. He left the old ways behind, took a plunge of faith, and was richly rewarded.

This can echo our lives and we can have the same. When we choose to take that first step, release whatever we are holding onto and risk all being lost, we can find ourselves in the most wonderfully rewarding place. A place we could have hardly dreamed possible. All because we took that first step.

I encourage you to do the same. Choose once practical thing you can act on this week. Ask the Father to show you what that is.

Father, bless each one reading this. I ask that You show Yourself in new, fresh and tangible ways. We love you. Amen.


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