
God Needs Us??

Needless to say, we have been playing outside a lot as the weather has been beautiful and we’ve all been stuck at home anyway. 🙂 On one such occasion, Levi fell off his bike and got slightly hurt. While I didn’t baby him, I was sympathetic. I hugged him and helped clean his “injury”. I […] Read more…


No as a Catalyst

I recently applied for what I thought sounded like an amazing dream type. It was a creative mom boss who had a thriving Pinterest career. As some of you may or may not know I dabble in Pinterest on the side and have a better understanding of its inner workings than the average user. I […] Read more…


Look for the Signs – Be Alert

The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Psalm 32:8 NLT Back in July/August of this year, as we were preparing to move, I began to notice every for sale or for rent sign available. My eyes almost subconsciously scoured the […] Read more…

Trust the Father. Nothing is wasted. Small things add up to big things. Keep going!

Don’t Despise the Small Beginnings

I like to work on my tan if I’m able on the weekends. Yesterday was no exception. I brought the laptop with me and headed outside. However, it was mostly cloudy. I actually like to feel the heat on my legs as it makes me think I’m really reaping the tanning effects. Because I could […] Read more…


Lessons from the Grinch

“If I saw what she saw, would I feel what she felt?” This is what the Grinch mused to himself after watching Cindy Lou Who’s happiness and demeanor. While this movie started off slow and has already been told, it ended with inspiration for those willing to find it. I found it to be a […] Read more…


Grow Where You are Planted

My current season is interesting. I’ve been thrust back into the fast paced, stressful and chaotic world of freight forwarding. It wasn’t exactly what I would’ve chosen, yet I felt God’s hand in the circumstances leading up to my return here. So, what’s a girl to do? Learning to grow where she is planted…. I […] Read more…