It was 6:02am after a long night of tossing and turning due to a lingering migraine. Sigh….

In bounds my son reminding me of our date at Toys r Us later that morning. He’d been looking forward to it for the last two weeks. Any excitement I had vanished as I realized he was up earlier than usual and I was feeling cranky as my head still hurt and he had woken me up.

The few minutes that followed were miserable. He began whining and wanting to go downstairs and watch t.v. and I wasn’t ready to budge. Finally I won and miraculously he calmed down and went back to sleep. Before he did though, he asked if I would hold his hand.

I was too alert and too aware of the throb in my head to fall back asleep so I lay there thinking about what had just happened. My irritations began to fade away as I likened the situation to people with the Father.

How often do we whine, make silly and rash decisions or actually do something hurtful, but yet our Father God is still there. He lovingly stands by our side and holds our hand. He speaks as well, but sometimes there is too much noise for us to pay attention.

Zephaniah 3:17: “The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” 

My attitude now softened and I was able to see my son in a different light. How sweet that he would want to hold his momma’s hand. This season won’t last forever and I need to cherish these moments.

Thank You for speaking to us in the midst of our irritations Father. Let us have ears to hear and eyes to see. Amen.

2 Chronicles 16:9a “For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.”

Talk soon, MG