Enough was enough. Y’all. Apologies for TMI in advance but this girl was getting bloated and gassy, after every meal! I finally made time this past summer to see a nutritionist. It was there, that I was advised I should avoid the typical offenders (wheat, rye, oats, corn, soy and most dairy). Sigh…..Transitioning was challenging. I made the common mistake of trying to move from whole wheat muffins to GF (gluten free) versions. Fast forward to present, and I’ve scored a slew of amazing recipes in all categories (main dishes, sides, desserts and breads).
I actually enjoy eating this way and I could tell an immediate difference once I removed the old bread items. Once the additives were removed, and everything consumed was raw and clean, I could taste the real food and actually craved vegetables, specifically sweet potatoes. Once of my new favorite recipes is this one:
A site I love to use for my snacks and breads is this one:
And, this granola recipe is my fave!
And, I just might have cleaned out the house and removed all forms of candy. The only ones on hand are a 90% dark chocolate bar with 3 grams of sugar per serving, and these Enjoy Life chocolate chips.
Getting the kids on board has been challenging, but I am incorporating more fruits and then need to focus on the veggies. 🙂
Have any of you gone Paleo? Have any good tips you want to share? Let me know of your struggles and we can help each other.
Talk soon, MG